Create a wiki for your worldbuilding

create your own wiki on World Anvil, whether it’s a game wiki, book wiki or RPG wiki!

Bring your world to life with a custom wiki

Create your own wiki for your game, novel or comics with World Anvil! It’s easy to make your own wiki for any genre, and for any kind of worldbuilding project, whether you’re an author, game designer or DM! Link everything together, reference and write articles AS you’re writing other articles, and organize everything as you work! Then create a wiki theme, or use one of ours, to make the look and feel perfectly in tune with your tone and genre! And of course, you can build everything in secret, with co-authors or as part of a team!

Easily search your wiki for information when you need it

World Anvil’s quick search allows you to parse through your ENTIRE world building wiki in seconds! Create a wiki that’s beautifully organized into categories, and use tags to make locating and structuring your world wiki even easier! And then search your worldbuilding wiki as you’re building your world, writing your novel or running your DnD game!

An example of World Anvil’s quick search feature for a world building wiki.
create your own wiki on World Anvil, whether it’s a game wiki, book wiki or RPG wiki!

Develop your game wiki with a team!

If you’re creating a video game, an expansive RPG world, or even co-writing a novel with others, World Anvil is the ideal tool. You’ll be able to develop and keep track of everything you need, and also share it internationally, so everyone who needs to can reference it! If you have part-time collaborators, you can give access and then revoke it later too! And later, when you’re ready to launch, share parts of your game wiki with your players, or your series bible with your readers, so they can get excited about your worldbuilding and help you build a community! Check out our Access features to learn more about building a wiki with others!

Cross reference articles to build interconnected worlds

Of course, for a worldbuilding wiki, one of the most important things in connectivity! As you’re making your own wiki on World Anvil, you can link one article to another in less than 3 seconds! Our quick and easy mentions system makes this a piece of cake. You can even quickly write articles AS you’re writing other articles with our quick pop up button, allowing you to make notes on your ideas as they come to you!

An example of making your own wiki with the World Anvil mentions system, which allows you to make a worldbuilding wiki quickly and easily!
An example of how on World Anvil you can create a wiki that integrates with your RPG System and your Digital DM’s Screen for an easy tabletop RPG experience.

Integrate your world wiki and RPG Campaigns

As a Dungeon Master or Game Master, you’ll know how important it is to keep notes and track your world as your players rampage through your RPG campaign! Our Digital DM’s Screen keeps everything at your fingertips during a session! You can pull up homebrewed statblocks from your world or your system, create NPCs in seconds which become permanent additions to your campaign world, and check on your PCs sheets too. Even better, all your notes become integrated with our session reports, so you’ll be able to remember exactly what happened for next time! The perfect way to keep your campaign safe and organized!

Integrate your world wiki and novels

If you’re an author, you’ll know how important your world bible or series bible is! Our unique novel writing software works in partnership with your worldbuilding wiki, letting you link in characters, items and more. Even more, when you create a wiki on World Anvil, you can search and edit your world from the writing interface! This is perfect for quickly referencing details about a character or location, or adding new details, without losing your writing flow!

An example of how on World Anvil you can create a wiki that integrates with your novel writing software.
An example of how World Anvil’s co-writing feature for worldbuilding wikis invites collaboration, allowing you to create a wiki with a team.

Share your wiki with friends and patrons

Want to make your own wiki private, so only you can see it, or share your worldbuilding wiki with the world? World Anvil’s advanced privacy settings allow you to do both, and give exclusive access to those you want to share more with! This is great for monetising your worldbuilding, allowing you to share exclusive content with customers and Patrons. It’s also perfect for managing beta reader waves or running a DnD Campaign! With our co-author features, you can even create your own wiki with a friend or a team, inviting collaboration to create the world of your dreams!

Creating a wiki is just one capability of
the ever-expanding World Anvil toolset...

As well as being the most powerful worldbuilding wiki on the market, you can also manage your RPG characters and campaigns! And you can write novels, short stories and serial fiction with our innovative novel writing software! If you’re looking to turn your creativity into a career, make sure you check out our publication and monetization features too!


World Anvil is the ULTIMATE RPG Campaign
Manager and Homebrew world building toolset

... and with it you can...


Build the complete, living world behind your tabletop RPG games. Create your lore, NPCs, locations, monsters and adventures.


Showcase your world in all its glory and let your players explore and discover the hidden wonders you choose to share.


Keep your notes and ideas safe - in years to come you'll be able to search through and remember them like you wrote them yesterday.


Work by yourself or get your players to help you, expand your lore and their backstories.


Create your campaign, invite your players, manage your sessions and have everything you've created in front of you in a single screen.


Join a community of over 750,000 worldbuilders and Dungeon Masters happy and willing to help you become the best tormentor Dungeon Master you can be!